Earlier this week we added 6 new items to the OR2A Swag Shop. Since then we’ve received a number of emails asking if we were going to have a “Black Friday” sale. We’ve decided to offer a 20% coupon code that’s valid through Monday December 1st, 2014. To get in on this deal, all you have to do is add the items you want to the shopping cart then type “blackcyber” in the coupon area as shown in the photo below.
Been thinking about picking up our new Oregunian Hoodie or T-Shirts for the entire family? Now’s the time to do so! Sure, you could go stand in line outside Walmart then fight the crowd and hope you’re not one of the people trampled in this year’s stampedes, or you can shop from the safety of your own home while supporting our new and growing community!
Either way, Oregun Shooters wishes you and your family a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
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